Monday, May 14, 2012

Apple Rolls Out New iPhone Reservation System in Hong Kong to Tackle Scalpers

Apple has rolled out a new reservation system for iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 in Hong Kong to tackle scalpers, according to 9 to 5 Mac.

With the new reservation system, customers have to enter the full credentials that match a government issued ID. This should prevent scalpers from using bots to reserve all the iPhones.
The reservation window is available for only 3 hours every day. Customers who have been successful in reserving an iPhone will be notified by 9:00 pm via email so that they can purchase their iPhone from an Apple Store the following day.

Apple has also stated that it will not sell iPhone 4S or iPhone 4 to walk-in customers, which should keep the scalpers from hiring migrant workers to stand in line for them.
Apple Rolls Out New iPhone Reservation System in Hong Kong to Tackle Scalpers
Due to high demand, we are accepting a limited number of iPhone reservations per day. To request an iPhone reservation, please choose your store and the iPhone you want. If we have an iPhone reservation for you, you’ll receive a confirmation email by 9:00 p.m. tonight that includes the time when you can pick up your iPhone tomorrow. A government-issued photo ID matching the name and ID number on your reservation is required for iPhone purchases. If you don’t receive an email, we were unable to reserve an iPhone for you, and you can try again another time. Only those who receive an email confirming their reservation will be able to purchase an iPhone; we will not be selling iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S to walk-in customers.

It remains to be seen if Apple will implement a similar iPhone reservation system in China where it had to cancel the iPhone 4S launch at Apple's stores and also suspend in-store sale of iPhone 4S due to safety concerns due to scalpers.

[source 9 to 5 Mac]

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