Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Apple Suspends Push Email Service For iCloud And MobileMe German Customers Due to Patent Litigation By Motorola

Apple Suspends Push Email Service For iCloud And MobileMe German Customers Due to Patent Litigation By Motorola
Few weeks back Motorola had won an injunction in Germany against Apple's iCloud (and Mobile) push email service and any device like the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that could access it.

Due to the injunction, Apple has just announced that is suspending the push email service for iCloud and MobileMe customers in Germany. Since Apple is planning to challenge the injunction, Motorola has been able to enforce it by paying a 100 million euro bond, so that Apple can recover damages in case the ruling is overturned.

Apple has issued the following statement on its website:
Due to recent patent litigation by Motorola Mobility, iCloud and MobileMe users are currently unable to have iCloud and MobileMe email pushed to their iOS devices while located within the borders of Germany 

Affected customers will still receive iCloud and MobileMe email, but new messages will be downloaded to their devices when the Mail app is opened, or when their device periodically fetches new messages as configured in iOS Settings. Push email service on desktop computers, laptop computers, and the web is unaffected, as is service from other providers such as Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.
Apple also states that it believes Motorola's patent is invalid and is appealing the decision.
Apple has mentioned that though the push email service has been disabled, German customers can still download their mails automatically by following these steps using the pull mechanism.

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