Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dev Team Releases CLI Tool With iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak Support

pod2g and the Chronic Dev team released the eagerly awaited Absinthe 2.0 - the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Apple TV yesterday.

But it looks like they may have some more tricks up their sleeve to stay ahead of the cat and mouse game with Apple. In an interview with Softpedia at the Hack in the Box conference yesterday, Cyril aka pod2g revealed that they exploits for iOS 6 jailbreak. 

Here's some experts from that interview:
“We won't give up on jailbreaking iOS devices because this is too important for us and we already have a part of the jailbreak for iOS 6 and we will be ready right on time for it,” 
So how does the development process of an iOS jailbreak look like?
“We will not give you the exact recipe, but we have other exploits that we won't release at any time. This is our secret. It allows us to inject stuff into new devices and to start dumping the memory. When we have the dumps, we look at different ways of finding the vulnerability,” he explained.
“Each member of the team works differently and this usually leads to finding vulnerabilities quickly. We find them in one month or two and then we start exploiting them. We start this process only when the final version of the system is released,” Cyril added.
“That’s why we always have a delay after the release to do a jailbreak. Because we need to be assured that what we do will work for sure, that they don't fix it in the beta 3 or beta 4, so we start only when the release is here.”

Dev Team Releases CLI Tool With iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak Support
This means that pod2g and the Chronic Dev team haven't used all the exploits they found for the iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak released yesterday. While it may be too premature to say that the remaining vulnerabilitie/s will work with iOS 6, the hackers seem to be quite confident that they would be useful in future iOS software updates.

It will be interesting to see if Apple releases a new iOS software update before iOS 6, which fixes the vulnerabilities used in the Absinthe 2.0 jailbreak or it will wait until iOS 6.

With more than 4 months to go for the release of iOS 6, we won't be surprised if Apple releases iOS 5.2 to add support for more languages and local search support in additional countries for Siri and some more enhancements before it releases the next major iOS software update in October.

From a jailbreaking point of view, if you follow the golden rule of not updating to the latest iOS software update until jailbreak tools for it are released and saving SHSH blobs for iOS 5.1.1 using TinyUmbrella so you can downgrade if you accidentally upgrade to it, then you should be just fine.

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