Monday, May 28, 2012

Over a Million iOS Devices Jailbroken Using Absinthe 2.0

Over a Million iOS Devices Jailbroken Using Absinthe 2.0
pod2g and the Chronic Dev team released Absinthe 2.0 on Friday, which allows users to jailbreak their iOS devices running iOS 5.1.1. It was also the first jailbreak for the new iPad (3rd generation iPad).

Chronic Dev team has just revealed that more than a 1 million new iOS devices have been jailbroken since Absinthe 2.0 was released.

Chronic Dev team has shared the following numbers:
Some stats since release of #Absinthe - 211,401 jailbroken iPad3's and 973,086 devices newly jailbroken! #JBFTW ! ;D

This means that 1,184,487 new iOS devices were jailbroken using the Absinthe jailbreak in less than 3 days. Earlier in the year, almost a million devices (953,232) were jailbroken in 3 days using the Absinthe jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 and iOS 5.

The data is based on the query that is sent to saurik's servers when Cydia is launched to get the list of available SHSH blobs for that iOS device.

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