Wednesday, December 26, 2012

FlashArmyKnife With Hidden Tethering Feature Sneaks Into the App Store, Grab it Before it Gets Pulled


Apple’s built-in tethering feature requires the consent of your carrier, and if you’re on a network like AT&T, you’ll have to purchase a separate tethering plan to share your 3G/4G connection with your Mac or PC. FlashArmyKnife, a new app by Eric Blase, has a hidden tethering feature that allows you to by pass carrier restrictions and share your iPhone or iPad’s 3G/4G connection.

There have been many apps with a hidden tethering feature that have snuck into the App Store, and later taken down by Apple’s review team. So grab this one as soon as you can. There’s a likelihood that this app might last longer than other tethering apps on the App Store, since Apple’s review team is taking a holiday break till the 28th of this month.
The app costs $1.99 and along with the hidden tethering feature also has:
- Flashlight with Adjustable brightness
- Built-In web browser with bookmarks
- Fully functional trigonometry calculator
- Satellite view map
- Currency Converter
- Compass
- Battery Indicator
Here’s a demo of how tethering mode can be activated. Note that a Mac or PC is essential for the tethering setup:

You can purchase the app for $1.99 from the App Store.

Via: iDownloadBlog

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