Monday, May 14, 2012

Video: ABC’s Nightline Takes a Look Inside Apple Supplier Foxconn’s Factories in China

Apple has received a lot of criticism lately for the living condition of workers in their supplier factories that make iPhones and iPads along with other Apple products.
So Foxconn - Apple's largest manufacturing partner in China, for the first time allowed a reporter and a camera crew into their factory in Schenzen, China.

Nightline aired the report from Foxconn's factories on ABC yesterday.
Here's a list of the most interesting facts from that 30-minute report courtesy The Verge:
  • It takes 141 steps to make an iPhone, and the devices are essentially all handmade
  • It takes five days and 325 hands to make a single iPad
  • Foxconn produces 300k iPad camera modules per day
  • Foxconn workers pay for their own food — about $.70 per meal, and work 12 hour shifts
  • Workers who live in the dorms sleep six to eight a room, and pay $17.50 a month to do so
  • Workers make $1.78 an hour
  • New employees at Foxconn undergo three days of training and "team building" exercises before they begin
  • The FLA (which Apple brought in to audit Foxconn) is interested in whether or not workers will look up at visitors in a factory — if they'll be "willing to look at curiosities"
  • Apple paid $250,000 to join the FLA, and is paying for its audit
  • Louis Woo, when asked if he would accept Apple demanding double pay for employees replied "Why not?"
Video: ABC’s Nightline Takes a Look Inside Apple Supplier Foxconn’s Factories in China

You can check out the video below for a brief excerpt:

You can check out the entire episode on ABC's website

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