According to their Facbook Fan page, they've a received the following cease and desist order from Apple:
The website,, is offering for sale and selling merchandise bearing counterfeit Apple trademark(s). Such illegal use of Apple Trademark(s) is a violation of federal and State trademark laws.
iMore speculates that since there are
numerous other modifications for sale elsewhere, Apple's issue most
likely comes down to safety. Even setting aside problems such as voiding
your warranty and battery drain, there are other issues to consider.
They use the existing circuitry in your iPhone to draw power, specifically the LCD cable. This is where the glowing panel pulls power from. Not through the battery but by pulling power through a connector that is already being utilized for something else. In this case, your screen. There have already been reports of washed out LCDs due to glowing mods.I also don’t recommend putting stray components in your device that aren’t held down in an appropriate fashion. Your device is designed to pull the correct amount of power from the battery. Your logic board is also designed to handle hardware a specific way. In a worst case scenario, you could potentially short out your logic board.
Did you place an order for the glowing Apple logo mod for your iPhone? Have you received it? Let us know in the comments.
Their latest posts on their Fanbook page
seems to suggest that they've started selling the mods again. We're not
sure if they've figured out a way around the trademark infringement or
it was a publicity stunt to get some media coverage.
[KO Gadget's Facebook page source iMore]
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